Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy, Busy

This weekend was the annual Youth Auction. And a word of advice, if you don't want to spend money at an auction don't bring your check book. Both BJ and I spent about $200 but it was okay because it was for a good cause. Out of my purchases I got a hair cut, an hour massage, a years gym membership, some hand made cards, candy apples and a beach towel. BJ got six months of free hair cuts, free income tax service, an old guys night out for both of us and two other people, and some other random stuff. Then today I woke up and was getting ready for work when Gina called to tell me she was taking a sick day and not going into work because she had a bad cough. So I was up and awake and had to stay up for about another hour so I could call the families to let them know we weren't coming so I couldn't go back to sleep. I then did somemore research, shopping and went to the gym to get all the paper work signed and did my first work out.

The rest of this week holds a lot of fun for me. Starting tomarrow I have my first interview, Wed. I have my second interview and BJ's birthday dinner, then Friday i have two more interviews.

See you letter!

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