Monday, August 01, 2011

Diet Plan

So my diet is going great, however, we started a new diet plan today.  Unfortunately, it is a financial diet plan.  Not nearly as much fun as a real diet plan.  We have a lot of medical bills that have come due at the same time as every thing else.  We also started putting money into my new 401K at work which means I'm bringing home less than I was 6 months ago.  Well I would like that little bit of money back.  So for the next 60 or 90 days the only things we can buy are gas, food, bills, and dog expenses.  (Yesterday Rescue passed a kidney stone but seems fine now, so I won't bring her into the vet.)  So for the next several months we will be getting creative with our lives, learning to cook again, and taking full advantage of things that have been already paid for (like the zoo) and enjoying each other's company.

That sounds fun doesn't it...

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