Thursday, August 18, 2011

Community Watch

For those of you that don't live in our neighborhood I'll get you up to speed on things that happen around her.  We are a townhouse in the middle of a bunch of homes.  Things happen, just like in all neighborhoods.  Last year we had a drug bust in November after an entire summer of stake outs in front of our house.  This whole summer has been real quiet, not a lot of cop activity going on.  However, after dinner today we noticed a weird car parked behind our house on the construction road.  Hmmmm, more drug activity?  What's going on? What do we do?  Call the cops!! Duh.  Out came the cops and it was all good.  They were there for legal reasons and it was all good.  Then the cop got to come to our house and let us know.  But just an FYI: if you are parked on a road behind my house that is not really a road I will call the cops on you just to make sure your not up to no good. 

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