Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If only...

If only there was a video camera in my therapy room I could have my own sitcom.  Yesterday I had a kid burp in my face, then tell me he he burped, and it came from his mouth.  I practically peed I was laughing so hard.  Today I was sitting in my room at my table and working with a kid.  Every 3-5 minutes I would give him a break and he would talk though the world's most annoying mega phone.  During those moments my kiddo is completely unaware of me.  I spend those moments getting ready for the next 3-5 minutes of therapy.  During one of the breaks I am looking down and when I look up I see a spider hanging from the ceiling inches from my face.  I jumped so high, let out a yelp and practically fell out of the child chair I was sitting in.  After I gained my composure I look over to my kiddo who didn't even realize what had just happened.  I then had to kill the darn thing and continue on with my therapy session. 

Ahh...If only...

1 comment:

Your husband said...

WAIT!?!?!?!? You killed a spider! Oh I am soooo proud of you!