Monday, June 13, 2011

I got a birthday present early.

I got a smart phone.  I convinced BJ to get me my phone early because it would take me quite a while to figure it out how to use the darn thing.  It took me quite a while to figure out how to make a simple phone call let a lone send a text message.  But I am in love with the new thing. I have apps on it to help track what I eat, I have games for Elijah, I have facebook apps, and there are a million other things that I want to put on the thing.  Everyday I find something new.  The first day was the crazy ridiculous flashlight app.  Yesterday I figured out how to put my calender on it.  Today was the fit food program.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring.  So any good droid apps that I can add for Elijah?  I tried a talking giraffe but she is kinda spooky.  BJ and I had fun with her for a while but it is to complicated for Elijah to complete. 

The best part about the phone.  It has a purple case.  And it matches my wedding ring.  Wahoo. 

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