Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I'm Losing Momentum

Friction is taking effect.  The friction is being life.  I am starting to slow down in my will/want to blog.  I just feel like getting home from work and going to bed.  I don't like it getting dark out earlier, I don't like it getting cooler out.  I am just blah.  I'll get over it.  I'm also a bit sleepy, due to the fact that I now have a new student at work and for some odd reason it's hard. 

Last weekend we had a garage sale that we made a couple of bucks.  Then we we went out to B.J.'s parents house for a surprise anniversary party that his brothers planned.  It was amazing.  They did such a wonderful job.  It  was also nice to see his family from Minnesota.  But I'm just so sleepy from it all.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Maybe you'll get some energy back when the time change hits and it stays lighter for a little longer in the evening.