Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Doctors

Not the show, the Okel family.  So remember Thursday when I said I had a doctor appointment on Friday?  Yeah apparently it was the week before.  Missed that one.  However, I was able to get in today and I have a whole lot of blood work in my future.  That's the problem with getting a new doctor.  You have to get a bunch of blood work to see if you are "normal" and have a base line in case you do change somewhere down the line.  We also think my eyes are weird and I have to go to an eye doctor and see why I keep getting headaches if I drink over 4 glasses of water in a day.

As for BJ, on October 21st he will be having surgery done on his shoulder.  With that being said he will be out of commission for several weeks with me helping him do...EVERYTHING.  Just think how awesome our marriage will be.  Let's view it as bonding


Ryan and Katie said...

I'll pray for his healing and for your marriage...speaking from personal experience, health issues + marriage + toddler = stressapalooza

LittleKelly said...

I knew you would understand. :)