Tuesday, June 06, 2006

How to fill a 10.5 hour day doing nothing

This is great. You actually can take what you learn in school and apply it to the real world. Yes, I learned a lot of information about child speech and language development, but I also learned how to do nothing for several hours and still look busy. Yesterday and today I put this knowleadge to the test to see if I could go all ten hours and a half hours. Now just a side note: In the past two days I did have two clients so it is not an accurate to my day but if you need pointers to a ten hour day I can help.

8 am-turn on your computer. Put your lunch in the Refigerator and say good morrning to the front desk staff. Log onto the computer (computers are old so it takes a while). Check e-mail accounts, and daily schedual.
9 - Go see the Front desk staff again. See if more of them are there, Stop and fill up your water bottle. Review your plans for your future days to see if you need to do anything. Check your e-mail again.
10- Pick a letter of the alphabet and see how many arts and crafts you can find that will help your client with that letter.
11- Go to the bathroom. Wash your hands real well. Look through random toy closets and pretend to be planing something really good to do with the toys. (It helps if you take some things out and lift them up.)
12- Eat lunch real slow and talk to the other people you are eating with you. (Hint: go about 10 min early and stay about 10 min longer than supposed too.) Check e-mail and schedual to see if anything has changed.
1- Print out some craft activities and Color them. Bug the other therapists and ask them questions about their day and clients.
2- Check e-mail and the next days clients. Print out some e-mails. Get directions to some place on Mapquest. Check the directions to make sure they are correct. Zoom in and out on the map to make sure you know where it is. Fill out some paper work, make sure you make some mistakes so you can use the white out.
3- Pull a couple of charts to review. Maybe grab some new charts and make notes about the kids.
4- Have a snack. Check on the front desk staff. Make sure they are doing okay. Use the bathroom. Play with all the little gadgits in the bathroom, like the arisol can and towels and stuff. Check mail again. Write a couple of e-mails.
5- Check the next days sechedual to make sure nobody new was added to your day. Review the next couple of weeks, see how they look. See what other therapists scheduals are looking like. go back in time and see how past weeks looked.
6- Pack up for the day take a long time. Say goodbye to everyone, and ask them what their plans are for the day. And leave a couple min early.

Hope this helps you firgure out what to do with your day.