Friday, April 28, 2006

Careful, we are about to wake a sleeping beast!

So it has been over a month since I last posted and I have a good explanation for it all I promise. But along with my explanation I will catch you up to everything that has been happening in the busy world of Kelly.

First of all, I PASSED MY TEST!!! Wahoo! This was not a test that I needed to pass to graduate this was just a test I needed to pass in order to get my state license. Done! I was worried about it for a while but now that I know I did it I am not worried any more.

Second, the time between the test and now I spent a lot of time preparing a presentation and writing a paper for school. Basically the paper needed to be about a treatment option or type of syndrome we were working closely with during our internship. That took more time than I would have liked it to have taken, but it is done and now I am waiting for a grade on the project.

Third, I finished up with my internship with Action For Kids. It feels good to be done but I miss all my little kiddos.

Fourth, I got a job. I interviewed some time in March and I accepted a posision at the Rainbow Center which is super exciting and super scary at the same time. I mean come on, this is my first step in being a grown up.

Fifth, BJ and I are moving along smoothly in the wedding plans but I want to talk more about that in a bit.

And last but not least, BJ and I found a place we want to live for the next year or so of our lives while we get everything settled before we buy a house.

Okay about this wedding thing, it's actually more about the wedding and growing up thing. Recently I have been having moments where I just become way overwhelmed with things going on. I try not to think of things to much because that is when it happens the most, however, I will just be sitting somewhere and all of a sudden I will realize that I will soon have to pay a lot of money for rent every month and now it is me paying with my own money not mom's money any more. Then I start to think about having a real job. I have been working this job for about the past 15 weeks but now it will be for real, I will be on my own, nobody will be watching me, or there to jump in if something bad happens during therapy. Then I start to combine the two things and start to worry that the money BJ and I will be making won't be enough to pay our bills and still be able to save for a house cover our fun expenses. Then there is the whole wedding thing too. I mean the invitations need to go out soon, and I mean soon. Like the end of next week and I don't even know if we have all of the right addresses. We sent out our save the dates but some of them came back "return to sender" now I don't remember which ones those are and I would hate to have someone not get there invite because it go lost in the mail. Then it is like every time I turn around some one new is asking me, "Is there anything I can do to help?" and I feel bad telling them no when I am in this state of mind. Im going crazy but I am such a perfectionist that I know if something isn't done just the way I would do it, I would probably redo it just so I felt comfortable that it was a quality job or something. Then there is the shower stuff too. I don't really know how this is supposed to go but I thought I wasn't supposed to have to worry about planning the showers. Right now however, I feel like a relay person telling this person what that person said or is thinking, then relaying the comments back to the first person and so on.

I think I am just a little overwellmed can you tell??? I hope this is normal but I'm not really sure. And I really hope it's over soon because I can't take it much longer.

Sorry it was so long but it makes up for a little time away.


Anonymous said...

My darling Kelly,
My mom will be so glad you updated your blog. She's been getting worried about you. I picked up my dress for your wedding today (it fits)! Being so far away from you is hard cause I would love to be able to help you with stuff. I was very glad to see you on Monday (Thank god that day is over). I have 2 job interviews this week in Michigan. I'll let you know how they turn out. Love you lots. Jen

Anonymous said...


You're doing good. We are so proud of you. Just hang in there. It will all work out. We look forward to seeing you at Brett's graduation. Then, of course, at your wedding.

Grandmother & Granddad

Ryan and Katie said...

I'm just glad you are alive! I was starting to wonder. I've been trying to email you at your Yahoo address but it came back yesterday and said that address no longer existed?? I'm sorry about all the stress but I completely understand. Congrats though on passing that test and getting a job. Being a grown up sucks for awhile but you figure it all out and it's not so bad. As for the money thing we are starving artists but we are learning to budget (read Dave Ramsey) and are doing well at saving and having fun. You may have to cut back on a few things but it'll work out. Call me if you ever need to complain about adulthood though! I emailed you the other day bc I picked up my dress and am getting it hemmed (unless my legs plan to grow about 5 inches before the wedding) and just wanted to check to see if there were specific shoes? So just let me know sometime when you are less stressed about shoes. Ok this was as long as your post--love you!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on passing the test! Super congratulations on getting a real job!!! Congratulations on finding a place for you and BJ to live! So glad you are alive and well. Hang in there! Love, Debra

Anonymous said...

People were telling me they were worried about you, so I started to worry also, and to read your blog. Glad you reemerged and had such good news! Congratulations on passing the test for your license and on your job. The wedding will be fun then your life will fall into more of a routine which will help with the stress. Anyway, I always thought having a job where you play all day was pretty great reprieve from stress--now if you could just make the paperwork disappear. Love, Aunt Sandra

Bryna said...


I feel for you and your wedding stress! The planning and the emotional reality are truly draining. You are SO on top of things with planning for the event, finding a place to cohabitate with BJ, and getting a job! Your wedding will be beautiful and, more importantly, your life with BJ is going to be amazing. (Don't get me wrong - there will be challenges but you two will ROCK as H&W!) I am thinking of you both as you head into the final stretch. Mucho amoré! bryna