Thursday, July 07, 2011

Sara and Dan: The Newly Wedds

As I have said before, Sara is one of my oldest friends.  And by oldest I mean longest not age.  I have known Sara since 4th grade and we have had our ups our downs and falling outs, our time apparts, and our times with way to much time togeather.  I even realized several years ago that even if Sara and I wouldn't have know each other in high school, it is possible we would have met some where along the line becasue of her most recent boyfriend. 

Here's the back story.  Way back in high school we met and spent almost every waking hour with each other Some where along the line I started dating BJ, and Sara her boyfriend.  As life went on her boyfriend got caught up in life and changed for the not awsome.  As BJ and I got married, Sara had to do the horrible and date.  (I don't envy this part about her life at all.)  She finally found the most wonderful man.  They spent time togeather, growing and figuring each other out.  The day Sara called me from Vegus near her birthday telling me she was engaged I jumpped up and down on the bed the best I could without taking my head off with the ceiling fan or wake up the baby with my screaming. 
The months that followed were filled with phone calls every now and then, dress shopping, and showers.  On Sunday they wed.  It was beautiful.  It was perfict.  I had so much fun, I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have. 

Now my Sara lives about 5 miles from me with her brand new hubby.  I hope we can continue our friendship as our lives continue to move on. 

Over all... Sara and Dan, I love you two.  I wish the best to you both as you begin your life togeather. 

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