Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ahh Up and Running

Okay we are good now. BJ and I are moved in (for the most part). Most of our rooms are unpacked and look good, however, there are still some random things around the house that haven't found homes just yet but we are getting closer. Friday we had Cable, Internet, and Phone installed. However, of those things the phone only works half the time. For example, we can call you but you can't call us. The wedding is getting closer and we are still in a bit of denial that it is right around the corner. It is one of those things where we have been dating for soooooo long that it doesn't actually feel like the wait is finally over. So now that we have internet keep your eyes open for some blogs. I should be posting more in the coming days/weeks/months.

And Katie, I don't think BJ and I will combine blogs, but maybe I can get him to blog a little more.