It all started Tuesday afternoon. The snow started falling and the wind started blowing. By the end of the night it was crazy outside. It made some crazy awesome designs on the doors and windows.
Wednesday morning we decided that it was to dangerous for BJ to head to work and it was decided the night before that I wouldn't have to go to work until at least 12. So we stayed in bed until the little guy woke us up at 7:30. I took the dog out to pee because the snow in the backyard was up to her ears. We went for our walk and stayed in the middle of the street because there were no cars or anything out there. It was fun! Then we had breakfast in our PJs.
After breakfast we got our snow gear on and went out so Elijah could experience "the snow of the century!" Daddy even blew up Elijah's sled and he thought he would help and blow up his sippy cup. It was funny to watch the little man copy his daddy.
Once we had all our snow gear on we took the little man out in the snow. He was not happy about it AT ALL! he cried for the majority of the time. But I still took a few pictures. If you look closely in one of the pictures you can see the 40 MPH winds. Yes, I am such a great parent I took my child out in crazy wind chill.
Once Elijah had had enough we took a couple of pictures on what it looked like around. Our poor neighbor put off clearing out their garage and look what happened to her car. It took BJ and Tristan only about 15 min to dig the poor car out. And yes the snow bank really is taller than me, and this was one of the smallest ones around, just the only one we could take a picture of from our front door.
We went inside and quickly took off our snow gear. Elijah decided that his new sled would make a great chair. He also decided that he wanted to be pulled around the house. Really? We couldn't do this outside? That lasted about 10 minutes before I was done. Then he just sat there.
Then it was time for lunch. Elijah wanted to save some on his face.
When we were done eating BJ decided it was time to did the dog a path. As he was making his way from the front door to the back I watched a cop drive into a snow pile. I told BJ to go help him so off he went to dig out the cop. We have to suck up to them as much as possible since summer is just around the corner and we probably will be calling them A LOT! Right behind the cop was the snow plow. Great timing!
Once BJ had a good path for the dog out they went. I took some good action pictures of Rescue. We almost lost her once or twice in the snow drifts.
Then the entire house took a 2-3 hour nap. Very productive day. By the time we woke up we needed to get out of the house, however, the options were very limited so we ended up at Wally world. Apparently, every one and their cousin were there. But the parking lot had some good pictures.