Friday: I woke up, normal time, fed the baby and my self, packed up the kid and headed to Rainbow, stopped by the bank and the gas station, then shopped for just about forever at Babies 'r Us. Made it home by 11:30 for Elijah's lunch. Cleaned the kitchen sink (it really needed it), Elijah woke up from his nap. Found out Elijah can pull himself up to stand and he ate a bunch of chunks out of his wood crib (Side note: All of a sudden a convertible bed that goes from crib to adult bed is not looking like such a good idea anymore.) Head to the store to buy things for a salad and look for a cover for the crib, head to target for the crib cover, no luck. Make it home bathe the baby, pack him up, head to an old friends house for dinner. Go home, check engine light comes on (yup! More car issues). Get home at 10:30. Bed.
Saturday: Wake up, head back to Babies 'r Us for the crib cover, buy a swim suit for the boy, wrap presents, feed baby boy lunch, head to baby shower #1. Have a great day with an old friend celebrating her future baby girl, head to baby shower #2, meet up with pals from Rainbow, celebrate future baby boy, head home. Have a splitting headache, feel like death on the couch, pain meds kick in, and head to the neighbors for movie night. Get home, go to bed.
Sunday: Wake up, go to church, neighbor takes my car to to computer at NAPA to check it out, get home feed baby, pack up baby, head to target, meet with a friend from high school, get home, get Elijah down for a nap, change the kid, pack up the kid again, meet with the neighbors, head back to church, dream about Disney, buy some fun stuffed animals for Elijah and games for us, head home, go to bed.
Tuesday: Wake up, deliver baby back at daycare, come home, CLEAN THE HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, put a whole bunch of stuff in the space saver bags for the upstairs closet, get the baby from daycare, make home made lasagna, eat, blog, bed.
LOVE the last picture of a food covered face. Looks like he had a blast.
Love this last picture especially!!! Love, Aunt Sandra
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