Saturday, June 21, 2014


Sometimes there are moments I life that catch me off guard and make me stop.  I had one of those today.

Several months ago my best friend from 4th grade told me she was pregnate, then she told me that her due date was a day after Elijah's due date.  I was super excited, for I think she will be an awesome mom.  Due to the baby refusing to flip around, she had to go in early to get the baby out. In she went on Friday and out came baby!  They, like I, chose to deliver at the hospital slightly far from our house but with an amazing reputation.  So today, 2 days shy of my own son's birthday, I returned to the hospitali delivered in.  As I'm walking through the mother/baby floor I get flashbacks of 5 years ago.  As I enter the final hallway it clicks, there is no flipping way, she is in the same room as I was with Elijah.  You have got to be kidding me. Between the baby, the new parents, and being back in the same room I was in with Elijah I welled up with tears several times.  Even as I got home and was talking to BJ about it I started to cry.  It's stupid, maybe it's because she has been like a sister to me over the past 24 years, or because by the time any of my siblings have kids they will be so far away I won't be able to see them in the hospital, but I am in love with this baby and her mommy and daddy.  

I think I might go back tomorrow too.  BJ wants to come too.  He will love her too, I just know it.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Poor X

I have been attending some training a these past few days about Autism.  However, I took all these trainings last year and have been going to refresh my memory.  This leads me to some points during the lectures/presentations where, surprise, surprise, I get distracted and my brain starts to wander.  On one of these days, we were in a kindergarten room of the school and the only thing on the walls was the alphabet strip.  Of course only the first three letters and last five letters were visible so I became fixated on the lonely letter X.  Poor guy.  He doesn't have many words that start with him, and his name is his sound.   You know when you say the letter M sound you go mmmmmmm.  For X you say "eks" or X.  That sucks for him.  And sometimes in words like xylophone, he sounds like Z not eksylophone.  Just saying, I feel bad for the poor letter.  

That is all carry on.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shoes and their laces

We have all heard them. Those short comments that make such a huge impact they stick with you forever. I think any comment that questions your parenting no matter what kind of parent you are hurts 10 times more than anything else.  

Well known fact, I'm a pediatric Speech Language Pathologist and developmental milestones are a huge perseveration/ hobby of mine.  I like to know a majority of the gross motor stages, (rolling, sitting, crawling, walking) and of course the speech/language ones (totally not enough time), and fine motor (grap patterns, sensory, writing and other stuff).  When it came to these milestones I was, well, hypersensitive to these things.  Watching, observing, not pushing too soon but knowing to push a bit more as we came close to the end of "typically" developing range.  I pride myself on the fact that Elijah has hit almost all skills within age range and never too early. I didn't push potty training until 2.5 years even though he probably could have done it closer to 2. Stair climbing/both feet leaving the ground, not his strong point, but he can play on the playground fine and I don't have fears of broken bones in my future.  We're all good.  I do confess though, I did bring him in for a speech screening because I'll be damned if my child shows up at school and needed speech services!!

That comment I was hinting at? Oh you know, when I knew the independence of my 2-3 year old was more important than skills that are too advanced for them and allowed Elijah to have Velcro shoes/boots/sandals.  Here's the comment, are you ready? 

"All these kids with these Velcro shoes these days, no one ever takes the time to reach them how to tie.  Kids and parents are just so lazy now days."

It would be one thing if I over heard this in a store, but I didn't.  It was in my home, made about my son's shoes.  I kid you not, it took every ounce of strength to not turn around wave my developmental milestone knowledge in their face.  It hurt.  I did though sit on this until 7 days before my son turned 5. We have started shoe tying.  It's a hard thing to learn and teach. The number of steps, the fine motor, it's a lot for a little kid.  

To make matters worse for the poor boy, everyone is teaching him a different way.  Giving him their extra two cents on "how this will make it easier."  We only started yesterday, my goal is for him to get the shoe lace cross, under and pull tight.  STOP. That's it.  The loops need to be done on longer laces than what he has on his shoes, but he doesn't stop trying.

Tonight ended in tears out of frustration. But he is so motivated. Probably because he can't wear his superman shoes to school, until he can tie them myself. We will keep trying, we will get this and he can wear those shoes on the first day of kindergarten.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

How do you think I would share huge news?

It is not a secret when I was 24 I created a 7 year plan for my life it included getting married, having a baby buying, selling and buying a house and having a second child.  In my 7 year plan I wanted my second child born the summer of 2014.  Well guess what, life got in the way of my plan.  Seeing as I'm not pregnant I don't think I will be having a baby this summer.  However, this is the problem everyone is way to hypersensitive to the thought of me telling the world I'm pregnant.  Like if I happen to mention that I'm not feeling well today that was not code for please ask me if I'm pregnant, that will make me feel 100 times better.  Also I will talk about our future with a second child openly around my first child, but that is not the announcement of a baby in our life.  Don't worry we will tell everyone in a great way, and our family will know in a very clear way no questions should be asked.  Don't worry we won't wait for the last 5 minutes of our 7 hour day to drop a small clue that we might have a baby... No no it will be something like we are pregnate and the baby will be here_______.  See no questions, clear as day.  I'll let the rest of the world know about 4 weeks after that.  Deal?  

Oh wait you don't have a choice.    

Guess who's back..

In the words of Slim Shaddy, guess who's back, back again. Kelly's back again.... Okay school is done, I survived.  Garage sale is done, I survived that too. Summer school has started and I'm moving into a summer frame of mind.  Let's hope that mind includes some rocktastic blogs.