Wait, what's happening? A blog post? Could it be? It's a New Year's Eve miracle!
No really, I really do miss blogging. My brain has continued to think of odd blog topics. Ha! Looking back I realize it's been over 18 months since my last post. That would explain why I didn't remember my password. Well let's see what could have been my reason for not blogging... I could have had another kid, moved, worked A LOT, or just been lazy. Reality is it started as lots of night working and turned into pure laziness, no new kids, no new house.
Quick recap of the last 20 months. Both B.J. and I got new jobs this past August which induced minor waves of anxiety and the realization that my title baby would start Kindergarten the following year. I mean full on heart racing, hyperventilating anxiety attach. That lasted about a week which was awesome. Things have gotten better since then and have come back to a level of "normal ness."
For Christmas I got an iPad which gives me an easy way to blog without needing to access my laptop. Let's see how long I can keep it up. Will you still read my crazy thoughts? I won't be offended if you don't.