Oh Elijah,
Another year has passed and you have become a year older. I didn't think time could travel much faster than it did the year before from when you so new, but I think the last 12 months went faster than before. You keep growing and I keep thinking that if you get any bigger Daddy and I might have to talk about having another baby soon because you are so not a baby any more. You are definitely a toddler now. A copy everything you do toddler too. I think my favorite thing that you learned to do this year is put Rescue in her crate every time we leave. You still can't say her name. It sounds a lot more like "dodo" or sometimes "dedoo" but Rescues knows its her time because you would always have a yummy treat for her. I think one of my favorite times was when you tried to fill her food bowl one kibble at a time.
I forget how much you have grown over the year until I look back and compare your then and now pictures. You have so many teeth now, your hair is darker and thicker, you are starting to lose all of you rolly polly parts and stretching out. You are super smart, but I think all mommies and daddies think there babies are the smartest one in the whole world. I forget that a year ago you couldn't even walk. Now you look at us and take off running while you yell, "un, un, un, un" the whole time (run, run, run). You currently love your animals and know most of the animal noises. My favorite one is your wolf noise and of course your dino roar.
We didn't travel that much this past year. We just didn't have that may places to go. We still did a lot though. You spent several nights throughout the year with grandmas and grandpas while Mommy and Daddy had some quiet time. It felt weird to be in the house without you though. Like we were missing part of our everyday routine. Over the last year we:
Saw Fireworks with Grandpa,
Had plenty of Driveway BBQ's
Went to a real pumpkin patch with Grandma,
Went to Augustana for Homecoming
Carved pumpkins
Went Trick-or-treating as a spider
Got sick several times
Hung in your PJ's all Saturday
Had your first (knock on wood, only) ear infection
Saw Santa 4 different times and still couldn't get a good picture.
Wore your first suit
Made new friends
Were snowed in by the BLIZZARD of 2011
Went to the Car show
Played in the snow for the first time
Met your baby cousin Landon
Had a red carpet event with Grandma, Grandpa, and the Gregersens
Went on many Easter Egg hunts
Went bowling for the first time
Colored Easter eggs
Went to birthday Parties
Had lots of trips to the zoo.
To be honest Elijah, this last year you have given your daddy and I a run for our money. You started being two around 15 months and have added some very trying behaviors at times. I do say I am sorry for the 2 spankings you had this year, and for the numerous time outs you have had, just so I could get away. You are really a sweet boy and if I could get you fed, or to sleep before you reach your breaking point we would have a much better life. There are many days when heading to work is very difficult for me, because that means that I am missing out on 10 or more hours of natural curiously, but I am glad you have friends at school.
I continue to look forward to the years to come and wonder what they will bring us. With every day you show me something new and find a new way to push our buttons in just the way that will benefit you the most. But kid, we love you. You make us smile more times than not and the more you talk the more I understand what you are thinking. I can't wait to see where next year brings us.
Love Mommy