Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day: by Elijah

Today was a special day.  It felt like a weekend day but Mommy said it was Memorial Day.  I celebrated with my Dino's.
Then my new friend Tessa came over and I shared my bucket of water with her.  Whoa, careful with the cow dino thing. 
Which one is your ride Tessa?  Oh that one?  Nice wheels!
 So Tessa, what do you do most of your day?  I like dinos and things. 
 Well thanks for the kiss Cow dino, thing.
 Even though I like dinos I don't like them that much.  I mean Yuck, have you ever kissed a cow?
 Then my friend Cole came home from her trip.  I was so happy to see her!
 Look I can walk like a bear.  ROAH!
 Cole check out my bucket of water. 
 We're being good mommy.  We promise.  Right? That is what we were supposed to say?
 Missed you Cole.
 Glad your home. 
 Wanna go on a ride on my momocycle?  Vroom Vroom!
 Man I'm beat.  This has been a heck of a day.  I need some ice cream that will keep me up until 9:00.  I like this Memorial Day thing.
 Even Scuscu liked the day.  She was pretending to be a polar bear with her block of ice at the end of the day.
 P.S. Mommy says the next few weeks she will be super busy (it's garage sale time which means not a lot of time home.) She is sorry for the limited posts in the next few days.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spoke to soon

Remember my dishwasher?  Remember the only thing wrong with it was that it was leaking a little bit?  Yeah...About that...Does not draining count as something not good?  I mean does that really matter?  It drained after the first load...what more can you ask.  So after we stood around looking at if for a while here is what we did.

JON HELP!  In comes Jon.  he stands and looks at it, scratches his head and says,  What's different since it drained.  BJ, Elijah and I all look at each other and shrug our shoulders, then scratch our head some more.  Jon then says, "something has changed."  Finally BJ remembers he put in foot boards...WITH A HAMMER.  Probably moved the dishwasher enough to kink the hose.  At this point Jon lays down on our floor and takes a nap.  I continue to make our dinner by stepping over him, Elijah climbs on him and BJ follows suit and lays down too.  Elijah feeling left out lays down.  However, now that I think of it they may have been looking under the dishwasher to see if it was still leaking.  But I don't really know. 

We will see if the slight move forward helps the drain tomorrow.  Let's all hope for dry.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I got a new...


Remember BJ broke mine last May.  Well we went out on Saturday to "look around" and get prices to start watching for sales and what not.  What did you find you ask?  Well first BJ found that dishwashers were more than a couple of hundred bucks.  Second we found a really big sale with an additional 10% off.  After an hour or so at the store completely looking at every part of the dishwasher, then several more hours at home researching it and calling other stores to get their opinion on the price.  BJ and then decided to go and get it, drive it home in our not so Semi Useless Vehicle (SUV).  On Sunday BJ and Jon installed it and now we have a new dishwasher.  It's quiet, it cleans dishes, and it only leaks a little bit.  It's wonderful.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Most Annoying Sound in the World

Let's set the scene will you please...

It's dark, it's 4:00am, everyone in the house is sound a sleep.  Got the picture?  Okay now set your spouses work phone to loud and have an annoying drunk man call.  And the ring tone to wake us ALL up...


Thanks drunk guy with the wrong number. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A day with the ducks

Plastic ducks but, but still fun.  We headed over to the Grandparents house again today.  Last weekend we were here to power wash the deck, this weekend we were here to stain the deck.  Or at least a part of it.  While my dad and BJ did the deck Elijah played in a bucket of water for 30-45 minutes.  The formula for the fun was 2 jugs warm tap water, a bunch of water from the hose, three rubber ducks, and two cups.  Add them all together and get a ton of fun. 
 We threw Elijah in the bucket and he spent the next several moments scooping water with one cup and dumping it into the other cup.  Then he picked up ducks and put them on the edge of the chair, then putting them back into the bucket.  Endless hours of fun right there. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

During and After

I always think about taking before and after pictures after I have already started a project.  Just like our yard work, I didn't take a picture of the ugly plants in the ground.  Just after they had come out.  Tonight was another moment like that.  I went to clean the kitchen at 10:00 at night and I got a bit side tracked.  As I began cleaning I saw the giant box of fruit snacks I had hidden from Elijah (on top of the fridge, I know not a good spot) and thought I needed to find a new spot for them.  That lead me to wanting them to go up above in the pantry, but having to make space for them.  I started clearing out the shelves that had held all of the toddler dishes until we needed them (about 14 months ago).  I had been meaning to find them a new place for them but that was put on the back burner.  Once I cleared out all the dishes and found a new place for them I had two open shelves.  Wahoo!  Then it was to the food.  I emptied out all the food and as I turned my back it reproduced.  I was stunned how much food we had in our pantry. 
Please note the 3 bags of marshmallows (one bag has jumbo mellows I can't wait to put them on the fire), the bag of candy canes, the bags of the melted freezer pops, and random pieces of candy. 
After finding all the food a home and not really getting rid of much I still have a ton of room on my shelves for more food.  At 11:00 I had finished the cabinet but the kitchen looked the same as when I had started the cleaning.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Skip to the next song please

Remember back in the day when 9 million chain e-mails would go around?  One of them would ask you to answer a bunch of questions about your life, one would ask you to send to 100 people and make a wish.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  Well I have decided that I do not currently like the soundtrack to my life.  Who ever the composer is, I am really not digging these few tracks on the soundtrack.  I love the parts with the wheels-on-the-buss, and Old MacDonald.  I even enjoy the throw back 80's and early 90's music that plays while I drive.  The screaming, tired, crabby baby noise though.  That is the one I could do without.  Not sure what is causing my soundtrack to skip and keep replaying the same darn song a.m. to p.m. but I am getting really annoyed.  The only thing I am finding to solve the issue is unplugging the stereo, AKA putting the baby to bed.  So here is to hoping my soundtrack gets better in the next few days or else I might be looking for a good Gypsy family to help me out here. 

(you do all know I am kidding about the Gypsies right?)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Too many thoughts

I can tell that it has been way to long since I posted when I can't even pick one topic to blog about. So in true I don't know what to do fashion I see a list coming up.
1. My sister and I had a wonderful evening Saturday watching the royal wedding.
2. Elijah had the largest fever ever of 103, but I swear it was higher that that.  His skin was red. 
3. The weather here has been colder than December.
4. I don't remember what the sun looks like.
5. The wedding I am in is right around the corner and round is the best shape to describe my belly, what if my dress doesn't fit?
6. Between BJ and I we have something planned every weekend from her on out until August.  So much for camping.
7. I love the zoo.
8. I love the new landscaping in front of our house.
9. I haven't seen much of the cops in the hood but I think it's because it's cold out.
10. I can't wait for the garage sale.
11. Elijah has been super crabby all day today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Sorry it is a couple of days late but being a mother leaves you little time to get other things done.  But once you become a motehr it's like joining another another world...an animal world.  Hence one of the reasons we decided to go to the zoo.  The other reason, I love the zoo.  We had beautiful weather, we saw ALL the animals (except the elephants that were on vacation), and we even got in a nap for the baby.
We saw all the good animals during feeding times which was the best time to look at them all.  It was also warm enough for the animals to be out, but cool enough for most of the animals to be enjoying it.  The hippo was even out standing next to his swiming pool.  As we were walking up to the enclosure I thought he was a statue and became very confused about why they would put a statue inside the encousre.  Weird.    Then I got smarter. 
Elijah got to see his gerraffs and we even brought giraff with us to t he zoo to see his old family.  (My real thinking is if every thime we bring a buddy from home we won't have to buy one). 

Monday, May 09, 2011

Yard work: By Elijah

Mommy needed some things done around the yard so Daddy and I got to work.  Mommy wanted new plants in the front of the house so we ripped up the ugly old ones
and put in nice green ones. 
I helped Daddy do the digging.  I found lots of stuff in the dirt, but I didn't want to touch much of the dirt. 
I found my buddy "Worm" and a lot of rolly polly bugs. 
Mommy said the bugs were strong so I picked them up.  I even put Worm into the bucket and watched him make a tunnel. 
Mommy couldn't take a picture of it all done because it was too dark.  Trust me though it looks real good. 

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Healthy Teeth starts with...


 Yup that's right first Elmo has healthy teeth, then Elijah has healthy teeth.  As Elijah gets more independent helping him get daily tasks done is getting harder and harder.  Brushing teeth is something I do not allow him to do 100% himself.  We have more of a 50-50 partnership.
My deal (weather Elijah sees it the same I don't know) Elijah gets to brush his teeth until I count to 10.  Then I get to brush his teeth until I count to 10 the he gets to brush again.  Apparently Elijah does the same thing with Elmo.  See...

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Evening hangout

The last three days I have moved my evening hangout spot to MY BED!!!  Who cares if I put Elijah to bed and then go right to bed myself.  It is horrible position for my back but I don't care!  I am chilling in my bed, watching TV and playing on the computer.  I'm comfy and when I fall asleep, I'm already in bed.  So there! :)

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Softball Has begun

Tonight began softball again.  It seems like it has been ages since BJ has played softball.  But since it is the first game of the season there were things that needed to be done.  By the time Elijah and I had gotten home BJ had started them and Elijah decided he needed to help. 
First you have to remove the old cleats from last year that have worn down and are no good anymore.
Then you have to wash the shoes to get all the rocks off of them.
Then you put new cleats on. 
Now all we have to do is get the weather to cooperate and Elijah and I could go down and watch a couple of games.