Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I didn't really think I was into the royal wedding.  But for some reason the last few days it's all I can think of.  I am very tempted to get up and watch at 3:00 am but then I remember that I have to work and I will like my sleep better.  But how do I get up, to work, be at work and home from work without seeing anything from the wedding?  I am taping from 3-12 and will watch it all with fast forward to the good parts.  I see lots of seclusion for me tomorrow. 

But back to the real issue at hand.  Why am I so into this whole royal wedding?  I'm happily married, I have a beautiful baby boy and a life that I am happy with.  BUT COME ON!!!! IT'S A ROYAL WEDDING.  It's a glimpse into a fairy tale life that none of us Americans will ever have.  Think of all the dresses, the hats, the jewelry they have to wear at any given time.  Yeah they have a busy life of appearances but look at the rest of their life.  They don't have office jobs, they have no real power, they have lots of houses, lots of land and they do a lot of travel. 

I have decided that I am putting I want to see a royal parade or I want to see Prince William from a far on my bucket list.  My dad has seen the Queen in a parade and she waved at him.  I don't know why.  Maybe because it is the only real person that I see "above" everyone else.  If I was to meet a movie star I wouldn't be all that impressed.  They are just regular people with jobs that put them in front of a camera, the royals are born into that life style and really have no way out. 

Any way it goes, I am going to try my hardest to live in a bubble until I get home from work at 1 and I can watch it all by myself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Making dinner tonight I dropped the 26 oz container of graded parmesan cheese on the floor.  It hit the floor and exploded!  Elijah and I spend the next 5 minutes cleaning it up and keeping the dog from eating it.  Later I realized I broke the top of the container.  I see lots of cheese being used in the near future.  Anyone need parmesan cheese? 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Palm Sunday and Easter

On Palm Sunday we went to the Okel family home.  We were with our family and had a wonderful time. 
The Saturday before Easter we spent with my dad and Step-mom for her birthday.  We took Elijah bowling and to the River walk. 

On Easter we dressed up and went to church.  We then had lunch at my mom's house.  Had an Easter egg hunt and dyed Easter eggs. 

Busy, busy, busy.  I'm sleepy now.

How Do I Do This??

I was getting dressed today and I had a bit of trouble.  I put on my sweater and that's when it all started.  It felt a bit funny going on, and once it was one it was very tight.  Now, I know I have put on a couple of pounds over the last year or so, but it shouldn't have been enough to make my sweater feel to small.  Then as I was pulling it down I realized that what used to come down to my thigh was now barley reaching the top of my pants.  I looked at BJ and told him I didn't feel right.  Then I stared to get angry at him for drying my sweater.  I had to quickly take it back thought because I knew the last time this one was washed I was doing all the laundry.  I walked into the bathroom to see if I could figure out what was going on.  I finally figured it out.  I was wearing a sweater with a large neck/scarf thing.  What had happened was I had put the sweater on upside down.  The reason why it was so tight was because it was the neck around my body and the body was bunched up at my neck.  OOOPs! 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day with the little boy

Daycare was closed today to to Good Friday.  The one non-national holiday day the daycare is closed.  Can't really complain to much about that aspect of this daycare.  Very beneficial for me.  BJ had to work and since Friday I typically only am at work for about 4 hours anyway, it wasn't horrible for me to have to take it off.  I only slept in an extra 30 minutes today because I wanted to be able to shower and all before the day began.  We left the house close to 8 and headed to the Donut store (aka Dunkin Donuts).  Elijah flirted with everyone there.  We then took the left over donuts to my work and said goodbye to a client that was moving to a new state.  We then went grocery shopping with the rest of the world.  I typically love shopping Friday early afternoon, however, with Easter this weekend it was a mad house.  I was not a fan.  We came back home, ate lunch, and took a two hour nap.  The nap was very much needed on both of our behalves.  We then played some basketball and watched Curious George.  When Daddy came home we headed to the neighbors to spend time with them because Katie is going to be admitted into the hospital starting Monday for 5 days.  And the hospital is almost two hours away from our house.  Were going to miss her while she is gone, and we are super bummed that we can't visit her.  I see lots of facebook and texts in our future. 

Overall, I made it though the day with Elijah and was mildly productive.  I still don't think I could do it every day but once in a while was very nice.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


What who said that?  Oh me? Right I know.  Not only has the weather gotten me down, I have been super busy, we had 1/2 a sleep over last night, and I have been real sleepy.  I am also having some internal difficulties with Elijah's daycare.  Last year around this time I started having unsettling fears about Elijah's daycare and now here we are having new fears about a new daycare.  So I guess I will be THAT parent that after a year I change daycares because I have an internal sadness about having to be a working mother and no daycare will ever be mommy.  How many more years until school?  Thank goodness they change classes every year.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stupid weather

It is supposed to get nice half way through April.  IT IS DECEMBER!!!  I am so sick of long pants, sweaters, 9 layers of clothing, and a coat.  I am freezing all all the time.  Due to the weather I am not very motivated to post.  To sum up, we had a fantastic weekend and Palm Sunday dinner with the in laws.  I'll post pics when I warm up.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yup, Still the worst mom in the world.

The first time our child went to the zoo was on his first birthday.  It was raining, hailing, tornadoing, but gosh darn it we were going to be there.  Read this is if you don't believe me. So it is our only open Saturday in April and I wanted to take Elijah to the zoo.  Today it was a high of 40, raining and snowing with 50 mph winds.  Yup, guess what we ended up doing.  We went to the Zoo!!!  The nice part about that is there were only about 5 other people at the zoo.  No pictures today.  It was way to cold to get the camera out.  It was fun though.  Elijah was able to sit in the front row for all the exhibits without being trampled.  We sat in the giraffe house for 30 minutes just watching the giraffes walking back and forth and trying to get them to lick our hands.  It was real fun.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What was I thinking

I signed up for an online course to get free continuing ed hours.  However, I lost track of time and realize I need to get all of the course done buy Monday.  AHHHHH that sucks.  Guess what I will be doing tonight and forever.  BOO.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


How I feel my child should look while he sleeps:
How my child actually sleeps:
Please note his pillow is under his butt, his feet are sticking out of his bed, he is sleeping on ALL of his blankets and 2.5 stuffed animals, he is holding Ernie in his right hand and Elmo in his left, AAAAAAND his head is smashed up against the side bars.  How is this comfy?  I would be in so much pain if that's how I slept. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quick note from an SLP

What does an SLP do?  or You do THAT?  Are the two things I hear the most when I talk to people about my job.  The other thing I hear a lot too is "what can you do with a newborn?"  Let me tell you.  Strictly talking about pediatrics, although most of what I do can also be done with adults, just in different ways.

Speech- Yeah that goes without saying.  A Speech-Language Pathologist works on speech.  But what is speech.  It's the way you say things.  So for all you people out there that couldn't say your "s" or "r" or any other sound in the English language I was the one you saw.

Language- Yup another give away.  But did you know there are two kinds of language?  The understanding what is said to you, and the formulating and using language.  Little kids I get to teach to talk, older kids add more words together, and even older kids make challenging sentences.

Feeding- I teach kids to eat.  Can you do it with your mouth?? Then it's my area.  I teach chewing, I help swallowing and I help all those picky eaters increase the food they eat.  This part of my job is not neat and tidy, but very very messy.  Babies get to learn how to eat from a bottle and all that fun stuff.

Voice- Low breath support, quiet talking, vocal abuse, I can help them all.  However, bad habits are bad to break and this gets tricky when the kids have difficulty following directions.

Fluency- Other wise know as stuttering.  Can't cure it but sure can help it.

I'm sure we do more, but it's almost 10:00 and my brain stops working around 9:00.  Tomorrow is more eating, more, talking, and more playing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Force of Nature

When your child looks the cutest in the morning is the day he has his first explosive diaper in 6 months, or will spill the largest amount of liquid on his shirt.  Why? 

Your kid vomits in his bed only when you have just changed the sheets.  Why?

The first thing you kid touches after a bath is the stickiest thing he can find.  WHY?

The questions of being a parent.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We're still getting firsts

Today was Elijah's first trip to DQ and it was also his first scrapped knee.  Elijah is funny, he knows that when he does something to hurt others he tells us Sorry and gives us a kiss and a hug.  When he fell in the driveway he became very angry at it and told the driveway NO NO!  Then we came and took pictures of it.  We went on a second walk and he tripped again, landing on his poor skinned knees.  Then as we were going up the stairs tonight he decided to try and walk up, instead of crawling, and tipped.  He then hit his poor skinned knee on the wall before he crashed into me and scaring both of us to death.  As he sat there crying he kept telling me "Wall, Wall oww.  Wall knee."  I feel there will be many more days coming.

Spring part II

As our grass is turning green I am noticing there are LARGE areas of our yard that have never in the course of 4 years been green.  BJ and I pay a boat load for our association but every year our crappy yard looks the same.  Dead.  Now there are areas of our yard that are dead due to our dog.  Those I fix every year.  However, the front yard has never been touched.  Every summer I love to walk around barefoot, however, those spots feel horrible on bare feet.  Plus since I am an end unit, my house is the one I see and the one everyone of my neighbors see as we pull into the driveway.  I have a strict rule that when I buy my next home the curb apple has to be there, it's not currently here.  I ended up thinking I needed to rip up all the sod and just replant seed.  BJ convinced me that we didn't need to do that, we just needed to ruff up the old stuff, and just rip up the really really bad parts.  We then mixed two whole bags of dirt with seed and placed it on all the bad parts.  Now every time we drive by the yard we give the grass seeds good mojo and tell them to grow, grow, grow.  Now we have to pray that they don't blow away tonight in the crazy wind storm.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Spring is springing

It is April and the showers are showering, the grass is turning green, and the flowers are starting to break through the ground.  With the weather turning warmer there are things that need to get taken care of. Such as my toes that still have the nail polish on them from the first of the year, shave my legs more than 2 times a week, get a tan, buy a swimsuit that hides my middle, and plan the yards flowers. 

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Bringing work home

I try my hardest to not bring work home.  However, every once in a while, I needed to.  Last night was one of those nights.  I ended up spending about an hour and a half writing up an evaluation, then I saved it and went to bed.  Today I went to open it up and realized I had saved it in the Template.  The template that I had spent over 2-3 hours creating, I ended up deleting almost all of it.  Today, I had to then spend an additional 45 minutes recreating my old template.  WASTE OF TIME!!! This is why I shouldn't have taken work home with me.  Note to self...Don't bring home work, keep it at work.

Monday, April 04, 2011

I don't know, what about some pictures

Lately, Elijah has figured out that when we take pictures he can see them on the camera.  When he hears the camera go he comes over and wants to see what we had.  However, he also wants to see pictures that we haven't taken.  It's hard to explain to him that the camera has to be on but that is a bit over his head.  Here are some of the pictures I have taken just to make my boy happy.  These are the cute, non-blurry ones. 
Getting a peak at Jon.
Playing Dino Peek-a-boo (it's like I'm going to get you but right when you are about to get Elijah he turns into a Dino and comes after you.  You hide the jump out at him and either scare him to tears or giggles.  Depends how sleepy he is.)
His newest face...Ewww (with emphasis on the wwwww)

Sunday, April 03, 2011


It's here!!!  Now I still don't think it's here to stay for a little while.  I still say Tax Day is the marker. 

Warm weather that is.  I LOVE WARM WEATHER.  I love humidity.  I love sun.  I love taking walks with the breeze on my arms.  I love it all.  Starting around January 5th I start counting the days until warm weather.  I want to be pessimistic in my counting.  It's better to be wrong and have more warm weather than expected than miscalculate and be stuck with more cold weather.  I still think we will be having a couple more days of cold weather in the next few days but I love the taste that we are getting now. :)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Opening Day!!! (by BJ)

As many of you may know it is Opening Day in MLB.  You may also know that we have a split household in that Kelly is a Sox fan, and I am a Twins fan.  The deciding vote then goes to Elijah and his loyalties lie to well... Whoever decides to get him dressed for the day!  Below are a few pictures for you to enjoy as we start the new season of Baseball.  GO TWINS!!!