Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is it Christmas yet?

Oh my goodness, I can't wait for Christmas!  I got so excited today because I was able to watch people put up decorations at a shopping parking lot.  I listened to Christmas music coming home, AND I sang along.  I am so excited for getting the decorations down and setting them up around the house (however, I am not looking forward to keeping them all away from Elijah for the next few weeks). This year I'm excited for shopping, wrapping, making cookies, playing with the Fisher Price Nativity set and oh so much more.   Watch out, Mama in love with Christmas and wants to make it super fun for the baby!!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter!!

Saturday morning, I got my butt out of bed early for a Saturday and drove BJ's, Elijah's and my butt to my fathers house, dropped off my child, picked up my sister and headed to the movie theater at 9:00 am.  I have to admit, never been to the theater that early in the day before.  We watched the HP7 aka Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.  Wahoo!!  However, because I have had a child the last time I have read the books was 3 years so I was a bit out of it.  Unfortunately,  because the books are so darn large they end up cutting out HUGE amounts of the book which makes me sad.  Now I am on a mission to read and watch all the movies before the end of the series comes out, SOME TIME NEXT YEAR.  That is dumb.    Why do I have to wait that long??? BOO. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas List

During this time of year everyone wants Christmas lists.  Before this time of year, I could spit out a list for everyone in the family of 10-15 things.  Now I get stage fright.  I forget what I want.  I also know that everyone wants something that is different from the list that I have given the rest of the family.  I also have to take into consideration the cost of the items on the list.  I want a new camera for Christmas, however, that is not a gift I should ask for from my siblings who are in college or just fresh out of college.  So then I think there are some great items out there that I would love to have for work, however, people are against getting me things for work.  (That in itself makes me bummed because other people ask for things that they want in their office, I don't have an office I play all day, and getting some new toys would be great.)  I guess I'll make my Christmas list online here and I'll add to it as we go along, as I remember what I want.

  • A new camera, one that takes regular batteries (AA or AAA) more pix than 3 per photo, and a memory stick for it. Or Best buy gift cards.
  • Some new sweaters (I like the longer ones that go mid thigh)
  • Uno Moo
  • Ikea gift cards
  • The 7 books of Harry Potter ( I have the 6 movies already)
  • Tickets to Billy Elliot, or Wicked with babysitter.
  • Zingo
  • Caraboo Island
  • What's in Ned's Head
  • Gift cards to Toy R us
  • A new steam mop (mine just broke)
That's all for me.  For now.  Maybe I'll think of something else and add it later.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Unfriend Day!

Today, is National Unfriend day.  This is the day when you go through your facebook account and you delete the people who are in your friend column who 1.) you don't talk with, 2.) you don't really "care" about knowing their every day happenings, and 3.) you don't want knowing your every day movements.

I cleared out about 27 people, however, BJ cleaned out 33 people from his first 100 out of 764 people.  People who are reading this blog and are my friends made the cut, if you were not my friend of facebook, then I didn't cut you. 

Have a happy Unfriend day! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Help, I'm Lost!

On my way to work today, I was thinking about getting some oatmeal because I didn't have time to eat.  However, I started spacing out (mind you it was only 1/2 a block) and turned down the wrong street.  I drove about 100 feet before I realized my mistake so I took the first right into a subdivision and the next right which I think was not where I was supposed to go.  I then drove around this neighborhood for the next 10 minutes trying to get out to the main road.  Yeah awesome, totally lost.  HAHA, it was awesome.  Or not. 

Social Network

My goal in my blogging life is to get intoxicated, blog and then in the next 3 months start a multi-billion dollar company. 

Saturday, BJ and I went out to see Social Network which is based off of the the creation of Facebook.  I really enjoyed it.  Not just because it was the first movie in the theater, but because it made me think about when I started facebooking and all that stuff.  It also made me a bit upset that there is a billionaire out in the world 2 years younger than me that has this amazing job.  Oh well, I will just sit here and keep blogging until I have my billion dollar idea.  So keep reading.

Highly recommended you go see the movie.

A mouse in my house!

Friday I am sitting in the house by myself because BJ worked a double shift.  I had just gotten Elijah to sleep by holding him in my arms and I was hungry.  So being lame I decided to make mac and cheese, but since we had it the night before I had to wash the pan and strainer.  After I put the water on the stove to boil, I started looking at a catalog that showed up in the mail out of the corner of my eye I saw something dart across the floor, hit the corner of the dishwasher then a long tail disappeared under the dishwasher.  I proceeded to freak out call BJ (like he could really help me) and climbed on top of the couch.  His suggestion was to call the neighbor to set the traps.  Go figure they were far away.  So I was on a mission and called the rest of the neighbors to find someone to set the traps for me.  I then had him stay so I could make my dinner.  I then spent the rest of my evening scared to move off of the couch, which really was a bummer because I had planned to clean the kitchen while BJ was out and about. 

BOO to mice!!!

P.S. it was dead in the morning.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My life

Let me just share with you the morning I had.  Now keep in mind this is with my 16.5 month old child who has limited words.  This is us getting out the door today.

Me: (put dog food in the dog bowl and hand the bowl to Eli) Put in Rescue's crate.
Eli: (walks over puts the dog food bowl in the crate)
Me: (opens the cabinet to get out a dog treat and hands the treat to Eli) Tell Rescue "crate time" (turn my back to close up the cabinet)
Eli: (walks 10 steps and stops)
Me:  What are you doing?  Go give Rescue her treat.
Eli: (on the verge of tears no dog treat in sight)
Me: Where did the treat go?  I gave you one right?  I though I did.
Rescue:  (Can smell we have all touched her treat but also can't find it going crazy)
Eli: (about to cry, staring off into space)
Me:  Did you hide the treat?  Did you drop the treat?  Did I really give you a treat? (get down on the floor and look under everything)
Rescue: (jumping on top of us trying to find the treat)
Me:  I could have sworn I gave you a treat. (look one more time on the ground.  See the treat about a foot under the stove) Found it.  How did it get under there? (get the treat out with about 10 pounds of dust) Give this to Rescue.
Eli: (not real sure what to think drops the treat 3 more times in the 10 feet to Rescues cage)
Rescue: (barley able to contain her self just takes her treat and gets in the crate.)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I fixed the temperature

In the process of changing the clocks back I had my last straw with the thermostat.  I have been convinced that the thermostat has been reading the wrong temperature for over a year. In the summer it wasn't bugging me because I enjoy being warm.  However, when the thermostat reads 70 and I'm convinced it is not even 65 in the house I am freezing.  I went upstairs and got the indoor/outdoor thermometer and brought it downstairs.  It read 64.4 in the bedroom.  I placed it next to the thermostat downstairs that read 70.  I waited about 20 minutes and the temperature only changed about .3 degrees.  I then wanted to double check my findings, soooo because we are nerds, we have an infrared thermometer, I went around and checked the surface temperature of just about everything in the house.  I then took the average temperature of all the surfaces and compared them with the thermometer that I had brought down from upstairs and they were about the same.  I then started taking the thermostat apart trying to figure out how to reset the temperature.  I then looked up the owners manual for our thermostat online (thank you google, don't know how I lived my life without you).  I figured out it was real simple and did so.  Now the house finally feels comfortable and warm.  Wahoo go me!

Monday, November 08, 2010


I had a dream last night that made me really mad at BJ.  Do you ever have those dreams?  You know the ones where you wake up and feel as though they really happened, however, you are 100% sure it was a dream.  It is just they have so much emotion behind them that even though you know it was a dream you are just so ANGRY?  Yeah that was me last night.  I woke up at 2:30 ready to take the baby, the dog and two days worth of clothes for us all and leave BJ to sleep at a hotel.  Yes that is how angry I was at BJ, I was going to take the Satin Dog with me.  Right, that would be a great idea, I see Rescue barfing in the car then eating the hotel room.  On second thought I think I should leave the dog with BJ.  But the rest of the night I spent revising the dream in the rest of my dreams, and all day I have been slightly annoyed at BJ.  Let's hope tonight will be better.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

It's that time of year again.

No not when Christmas music being played before it really should, but when you have to figure out how to change all the clocks in your life.  The hardest one, the one in my car.  First of all, its a semi new car.  But secondly, you only do this job two times a year.  9 times out of 10 I remember to change every single clock in the house but completely forget about my car.  Then a day or two later when I get in my car I look down and freak out because my initial reaction is that I am an hour late for (typically) work or, why the heck am I going to be THIS early?? Then it hits me.  Daylight Savings time.  However, I am still driving so I am trying to figure out how to change the time in the 10-20 second at the red lights.  But I can never get it.  Then in my minuscule attention span I typically forget by the time I get to work (you know 3 minutes later).  Then it all happens again on my way home.  That's when I sit in my garage for the next 5 minutes until I get the time right. 

Ta Da!  This year I did it before noon on Sunday and only freaked out once.  That was when I thought I was lat for church.  HAHA  Can't wait for April!

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Tonight BJ is outside helping to raise awareness for the homeless.  Last year BJ spent the night outside, this year, he is feeling a bit under the weather and is unsure if he will spend the night outside.  Oh and mind you the outside we are talking about in a box outside.  I did this once or twice in collage.  I froze so bad and was so uncomfortable and in so much pain I wasn't going to do it again. 

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

What did you do today

The weak link is ME!  Me and two of my family members were horribly ill yesterday.  Funny part though the two family members never saw each other they just saw me at different times of the day on Sunday.  And like a bomb we all got sick around 10pm on Monday night.  It was bad.  But I felt so bad about being sick that I was determined to go back to work today.  I just couldn't have all my kids miss therapy.  I felt bad for them. 

So today when the alarm went off I was feeling much better.  I got ready and was having no difficulties, just a bit hungry.  I made toast and took Gatorade with me to work and was doing good.  My first kid was exceptionally well behaved for me and we were doing great.  My second kid, however, I was not doing so great.  There were moments in there where I was contemplating what I would do if I actually got sick with him in there.  After he left I brought the giant pillow into my room grabbed my sweater and went to sleep.  I woke up an hour later and ate some soup as well as got a report done.  I then was starting to feel nauseous again so I grabbed my sweater and headed back to the room for another quick nap. 

Yah that's right I took two naps at work today.  I also made an obstacle course for a kid.  It was a nice day.  Now I will be heading off to bed to get some sleep so I don't have to do that at work tomorrow.