I realized many things today. First of all, I have one of those sets of parents that are a bit crazy. Second of all animals are big. Let me tell you about it all.
My day started with Mommy and Daddy singing and dancing when they came to get me out of my crib. It was a bit cloudy outside but they didn't seem to care. Then we got dressed, in animal outfits, and headed downstairs for breakfast. That's when Mommy said that I wasn't going to school today. We were going to the zoo?? Daddy made eggs for breakfast, then we packed up the baby bag and out we went. It was rainy and wasn't looking like a good day to be outside ALL DAY LONG. Mommy kept saying that it would blow over and we would be fine.
We drove off to a big building to say HI to all of Daddy's old friends at his old work. Then I took a quick nap. When I woke up it was raining. We got of of the car, I got in my stroller

and Mommy kept dripping me with the umbrella. We went around, went into a building, it was very empty, except for the animals like the bear thingy. We watched the otters play, swim, run and jump, we looked at snakes, cats, and bugs.

(Mommy didn't look at the bugs.) Then back out in the rain. We walked down to see seals and they swam round,

and round and kept coming to the window to say HI. Nobody was there but us. It was fun. Then we found a tiger, and a little bear. Saw the merkats, the naked moles and some fox looking things. Then it sort of stopped raining.

Then we found the Giraffes.

They were SOOOOO BIG!

So much bigger than Rescues and my stuffed animal.

We had Lunch,

then we went to find the bears. ROAR! Mommy was so funny.

She loved the bears so much. She wanted to take them all home.

Daddy said the polar bears wouldn't fit in the car.

Mommy almost cried. I made a cute face and she was happy again.

Then I took a nap, Mommy said I missed the Pack a something. Guess I will see them next year.

Then we had ice cream, and saw the fishies

and road a sea turtle,

then off to the penguins. I liked the penguins they were funny and they almost walked right up to me. Then Daddy and I went through the swamp and we both got a bit scared. Daddy said it was going to be okay, but he was kinda scared himself. Then last but not least we saw the monkeys.

We got back in the car and I was asleep before we were out of the parking lot. I slept the whole way home. Mommy said we drove through 2 tornadoes, hail and some other crazy weather.

When I woke up we were at Grandma and Grandpa Sarlina's house to have crazy fun time. Then home for bed.
It was a great birthday. I can't wait for the party but Mommy is stressed out. She doesn't think there will be many blogs until the party is done.