Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Review of the Holidays
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Traveling with an infant/not really an infant
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
I think I set a record for longest time spent making one batch of cookies. I think from start to done baking I spend about 3 and a half hours on them and they still are not frosted yet. Oh well, they are absolutely worth it. It wouldn't be Christmas without these cookies. Last year in Michigan we had a discussion about the cookies and how everyone starts with the same recipe but no ones cookies are the same. As it turns out nobody had the correct original recipe. Most people had ended up adding or subtracting ingredients to the cookies while other changed the cooking times and temp. Grandmother still has the original recipe and we were going to scan it into the computer to mail to all but we forgot. This year we will. Tomorrow we will frost these babies and then my yearly baking will be done.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Things that make me smile!
- A whole family of Mr. Potato Head's
- Children's faces between the ages of 3 and 6 when you mention Santa or Christmas
- A street full of Christmas lights on houses
- An awesome sale
- My baby's toothless smile
- My baby hanging upside down from his bouncy seat with a look on his face like he should have figured out how to do that sooner because it was so much fun.
- A Christmas tree full of sentimental ornaments
- My Christmas Village
- Nativity sets with sentimental meanings
- Elijah exploring his world
- Iced tea
- Hot tea
- Candy Cane Christmas Cookies
- Fisher Price Little People
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Doctor appointment
Happy Birthday Plants
I will post about Elijah's doctors appointment too tonight.
Monday, December 14, 2009
It will have to wait
Post to come:
Nativity sets/Christmas village
Happy birthday plants
Wrapping paper invention.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Limited Christmas Spirit
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Snow, Snow, Snow
Monday, December 07, 2009
Keeping Score
Alright, so back to the issue at hand. Why must we continually keep score in our lives? I mean we all feel the HUGE need to make sure everything is "fair," however, when life really is fair we then spend the rest of our lives trying to do better than everyone else. I think it all starts when we are kids. I can vividly remember my brother and I keeping score religiously about who got to sit in the front seat when ever we would go places. It got so bad that my mom had to implement a rule that one of us would get the front going to a place and the other would get the front going back. Heaven forbid we make two stops and were in the car 3 times. After a while we started calculating time we spent in the car. And if one of your front seat trips was shorter than the other persons then you got the front again next time we left. It even went so far as my brother stating the argument that I was born first so I had 6 more years on him that he should be able to catch up.
Now this has been posted on the world wide web. I know you will all find it and I am sure half of you will be angry at it. Well get over it, and let's all move on. However, this stands as a warning. This was my discrete way of tell you all about it. Next time you complain out loud, I will not be so discrete and nice about it.
Friday, December 04, 2009
I can see!!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tis the Season!!
On a side note. Right now we are watching Discovery Channel and they are looking at Kimono Dragons and are walking around the wild ones. The wild ones are actually trying to eat them slowly. Nope not for me. I'm scared just sitting here on the couch millions and millions of miles away form them.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sad baby = Sad mommy
Monday, November 23, 2009
5 months
On another note, I was going to post pictures of Elijah, but... he was super crabby and when ever I put him down for 20 seconds he would start screaming. So no cute pictures today. We will try again tomorrow.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Date night
However, while at the movie, Elijah had a massive gas attack and was very uncomfortable and screaming for about 45 minutes. Poor Dad and Kelly. They tried to call and text, but they didn't go through since we were in the theater. I feel bad. At least he finally went back to sleep. Now I just get to spend the rest of the weekend trying to get the kid to poop.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Hubbies Turn!!!
For anyone who has to operate machinery for work, mainly machines that one must drive, you may sympathize with me. Recently I started my new job and as a green horn I am currently doing labor work. This also entitles me to operating a forklift. If you are not familiar with forklifts, than please listen carefully. There are two gears on a forklift, forward and reverse, as well as neutral. The lever in which you use to switch between gears is on the side of the steering wheel. You move it forward to go forward and backward to, you guessed it, go backward. So now to the funny part of the story! The other day believe it was Saturday, Kelly and I were going somewhere and I was driving. I backed out of the garage and into the driveway. While switching the gear shift into drive, with the actual gear shift of the car, I also managed to turn on the right hand turn signal. As stated before, the gear shift for the fork lift is on the column near the steering wheel. Yep! Same exact place as the turn signal lever on a car!!! So while driving my car I managed to think that I was actually in the fork lift! It would have been fine if that was the only time I had done it, BUT I did it again while leaving work today to come home! Maybe I should just drive a forklift all the time!
Okay now for the second story and to give you a taste of what I got myself into by marrying Kelly!!! When she gets bored, she thinks of interesting questions! Things that no one in their right mind would probably ever think of! So... Last night we were watching TV, I think the news was on, and out of nowhere she asks me one of her questions! I am going to try and word it exact so here goes.
"With there being less use of the US Postal service, cause less people are mailing/shipping things, Do you think that the number of mailman babies has decreased? You know what I mean? I mean there are less mailmen walking around and more mailboxes like ours (mailbox with all of our neighbors as well in a center location). Also there are more female mail people, Do they ever have mail babies?"
I might have missed some of the question but I think I got the most of it! REALLY, someone please tell me how I am supposed to answer that! I will try to steal the blog away from her if she is to ask me any other off the wall questions. Than again maybe I will just make it my blog now since I get at least one of these questions a day!!!
Hope you all enjoyed and I hope that I gave you a good laugh or two!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Places I want to go before I die:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
You're kidding right?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Carefull the first step is a doozie
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Cost of Gas
Friday, November 13, 2009
Lost Car
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Possible New Job
Today though, BJ got a call that he will be doing labor for a new food manufacturing plant that is getting ready to open in our area. This job has a much bigger opportunity for a long term career. I enjoy new beginnings even if I'm not the biggest fan of change.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
When I get home from work (most days Elijah is already home) around 6:00, I grab the baby and talk with him for about um.. 15-30 minutes then head off to get his dinner ready. I heat up his food and make his rice and spend at most 30 minutes feeding him. By about 6:45-7 he gets real cranky and it's off to bed with him. I can't remember a day when he is awake past 7:30. Then I step back and realize I didn't take his picture today and I will never have that day on film.
We are getting closer and closer to Elijah's 5 month birthday and I at times feel sad already. I'm sad that I spend over 50 hours a week away from my baby and am missing all the cool little things he does during the day. With him being so young he could do a new skill every day but since I'm not on the floor playing with him every day I could miss some of those things. I mean he is such a happy baby and so curious about life I feel one weekend I will be with him and he will just up and walk a way. However, at the same time, I still enjoy working and would miss it WAY to much. Sucks being a working parent, I don't think this part will get any easier as he gets older. Maybe once he gets into school I won't be so sad.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Our Dog Rescue
She was about 30 pounds when we found her but they thought she would gain about 5 more pounds, the thought she would be good with kids and they recommended that she go to a home that could spend time with her because she was very skittish with EVERYTHING. So we got her and brought her home, once we would get her in the car. Found out she was scared to death of cars and refused to get into the car. She barfed doggy bits in the car on the way home and that should have been our first clue we were in for a bumpy ride.
- She had difficulty with transitions. She refused to go through doorways which makes if very challenging to get her to go to the bathroom. (Now she has no issues with them)
- She is scared of her leash. We would have to chase her around the house and corner her to get her leash on then start running and get through the door. (Now as long as BJ or I put the leash on her she doesn't mind)
- She had gravitational insecurity. She didn't know how to go up stairs and would only take her front feet off the floor. It took her about a week to figure out how to get up the stairs and for the first couple of months we had to lift her in and out of the car.
- She had massive anxiety if you left her. Thank goodness we had a crate or else I'm not real sure what we would have lost. (She chewed a lot of towels).
- She didn't like the order of the house and kept trying to attack me. (Training took care of that)
- She was scared to death of any motor vehicle bigger than a bicycle, especially buses, dump trucks, tractors, and motorcycles. And when your house has a back yard that is for a construction dump site there are lots of things your dog doesn't want to be around. (Now she chases them as they drive by)
- She has no body awareness. She is the only dog I know that takes over a half an hour to pee, and will poop while walking.
Over the next couple of months we went to training school the really didn't work out for us. They even recommended us getting rid of her. That's when we found the trainer that worked for us. We went to 10 weeks of training and by the end we had a dog that trusted us and is not so scared of everything. However, she still doesn't do well with some people. In fact, for some odd reason she is scared to death of BJ's father. No clue why. Now our dog is still weird and here is what we need a doggy Occupational Therapist to work on with.
- Understanding when she is hungry. She won't eat for 24 hours then barf because her stomach is empty.
- Pee in less than 10 minutes.
- Her attention span
The list has gotten MUCH shorter over the last year and a half and most of the time I am glad we kept her. I do have to say though there are days that I threaten to sell her to the Gypsies.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Pregnacy and the after effects
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Merry Chirstmas
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Fall Cleaning
It's funny though, with the house this clean, I feel as it isn't really my house. I'm sure I will get used to it.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Word of the day...BLAH
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Little Piggy, Little Piggy let me come in.
Monday, November 02, 2009
What I found in my car
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Halloween and All Saints Day
Yesterday we celebrated Elijah's first Halloween. In the morning we just sat around the house and took pictures with our pumpkins. The little one is Elijah's pumpkin that I carved for him, the big one is BJ's pumpkin he carved for his favorite team, and the medium pumpkin is mine that our neighbor carved for me since I had Elijah. That night we drove to the city to visit two of my old co-workers who just moved and actually moved less than a mile of each other. We ended up doing drinks and appetizers at one house, then dinner and dessert at the other. We walked between the two houses because we found a great parking spot and didn't want to have to give it up. As we walked between the houses all dressed up families were handing us candy. So even though Elijah was sound asleep for the walk his first trick-or-treating experience was successful in getting mommy and daddy candy.
Friday, October 30, 2009
First Halloween, First pumpkin experience. Now what kind of mother would I be if I did not let my child experience ALL of Halloween. We have the costume, we have taken festive pictures (with our neighbors door decorations), and we bought the pumpkins. Well I think it is my duty as a parent to expose my child to all the gross things there are too. Such as pumpkin guts. I only wish I could have let him play in it all longer, I was just afraid he would try to eat it or get a skin rash from the guts so he just got to dip his fingers in it. But it still is funny.
On a side note did anyone notice how little time I actually spend with my child when he is awake during the day?? Yeah, that's why there are not a lot of pictures of him, because I'm to busy playing with him in the 2-3 hours he is awake and home.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A Day in My Life
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's a bug
Monday, October 26, 2009
First Cereal!
First cereal time!! Me being a Speech-Language Pathologist I have been around many children when they are eating. One of the things I work with is helping children that have difficulties when they eat. That and I have taken loads of classes on eating and the developmental process of the tongue and mouth and swallowing. All this being said I still get a kick seeing new things presented to children, especially orally. So here is my little munchkin and his first experience with solid food. Sorry it is so long but we have managed to catch all of Elijah's new things. You will hear his little giggle, his cooing, see his new trick on how to suck both his lower and upper lip. What can I say, he is just cute.
Some things to note in this long video...See my beautiful flowers that BJ sent me the day before he lost his job but showed up the day he lost his job. Me and my beautiful Saturday morning gear, ( I really did shower later but I was sick the whole week so I earned the right to have bed head.) Hear my really sexy voice compliments of my cold. And oh yeah, Baby Elijah. Sorry it is a bit long. (Okay it doesn't want to post. I'll get it latter and post it then. GRR I'm frustrated.)
Secondly, I just want to say I completely agree with vaccinations and it is absolutely pish posh that childhood vaccinations cause Autism, but... Not a fan of the evil beast they turn my child into 3 days later. First of all, I think I have narrowed it down to which one it was. It was the stupid Rhoto virus. Let's just say that my happy baby cried for 2 straight hours last night 2 hours after he typically goes to sleep. The whole thing ended with lots of crying and Elijah's daddy coming in to the rescue at about 8:45. Not a good night last night.
Friday, October 23, 2009
4 Months Old
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tomorrow is a new day
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Body Fluid Sunday
Now a days I try to feed Elijah right before church, I used to pump and bring a bottle, however, Elijah is waking up later so there isn't much left to pump out. So the last couple of Sundays I have been breastfeeding Elijah right before the service so he can make it through without fussing. Well he was eating away and it was about 3 minutes before the service was about to start and massive fart/poop. I knew immediately this was going to be messy and I thought he just might have blown out of his diaper. Quick check confirmed my suspicion and lucky me didn't have the diaper bag. BJ had brought it into church already so I had to carry the poopy baby in to church superman style so I wouldn't smear it anymore, get the bag and carry baby back out superman style to the bathroom.
Thank goodness the stall with the changing station was open. I get Elijah's new Peterson jersey off and realize just how massive this poop was. Typically when we have poopy explosive diapers we two person it. Makes it so much easier. However, being the changing stations are in the bathrooms this is impossible. So here I am trying to figure out how to get baby to stand up, unbutton his onesy, and think about getting it off. I thought well if I can wipe the poop off his back and fold over the shirt I might be able to get it off without creating a massive mess. At this point I realize we really only have enough wipes in the travel wipe box for one massive diaper or two contained diapers. Knowing after church we were going to my dads I needed to conserve the wipes as much as possible. So I take poopy baby out to the towels and get a couple of wet towels to wipe down the baby and take them all back into the stall. Wipe down the baby the still have to get the shirt off. during the process I manage to get poop all over his back, again, his arm and slightly in his hair too. Hmm, now what do I do with the wonderful poopy shirt? Typically I have Ziploc bags in the diaper bag. Today, not so much. I put the shirt on top of the changing table for now to worry about after I finish changing the baby. Finally get to opening up the diaper and clean him all up, get out the new fresh diaper and as I'm putting it on him HE PEES!!! all on him, his head, the changing table. It was great. I just started laughing now. I hear other families in the bathroom so I ask if one of them could grab me a towel or two to clean soak up the new mess Elijah just made for me. So a wonderful mother brought me a couple and gave me the idea to wrap the shirt in paper towels to get it home. Done.
Once the baby is all dressed, dry, and clean and I have wiped down the entire changing station and taken care of the poopy shirt I pick up Elijah and take him out so I could wash my hands. At this moment Elijah spits up all on my shoulder. Alright we got the tri-fecta!! To bad I didn't have money on that diaper changing experience. After my hands are washed I head to church. As I round the corner to go into the sanctuary I see my mom coming out with a worried look on her face. I check the time. Oh yeah we are now 20 minutes into the service. Wonderful. Church should really consider putting speakers in the bathroom for people like me who missed the first half of the service due to a poopy baby.
What I have learned: Double check to make sure you have diapers, 2 changes of clothes, plenty of wipes to clean 5 poopy diapers, and Ziploc bags. Also, next time Daddy gets to change the baby at church. HAHA