Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
Hello and Happy Halloween. Hope everyone's day was spooky! Today for me was just another day at school except my poor roomie was attached by back pain and we had to handle this creepy Halloween activity. Last night, however, the Demon Shower was back and this time it had two friends, Clogged drain and Count Duckula. So one more time Happy Halloween, trick-or-treat and BOOO!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Weekend Fun!
So as I had mentioned before, my dad came up to spend the weekend with us. Friday we went out to dinner at 8 then, we went to the movie store and rented SIX yes SIX movies. But because of Tania's discount they only cost us $3.50. SO then we watched one of them and went to bed. Saturday we woke up and went to the Blueberry Muffin for breakfast, then for a quick tour of the clinic. After that we went to the Steven's Point Brewery!!! It was fun, they are making new soda's now and one of them is Black Cherry Cream and it is the BEST cherry coke I have ever tasted in my enter life. After the tour we had fifteen minutes to taste as much beer/soda as we wanted. Then we came home and wanted something to do, so we found a geolographal marker. It was exactly half way between the equator and the north pole and one forth the way around the world from Greenwich, England. We had an adventure finding the place though cuz, HA we missed it. Then we went to Gander Mountain and Look I found a Ten Pointer!!! Then we came back home and watched a couple more movies and went to sleep. Then, DUNDUNDUN DUNNNNNN, at 3:20 in the morning the refrigerator started making a noise that was combined with a whinny puppy, and a drill. It was really annoying, and we were sleepy and really couldn't figure out how to fix it. Our genius ideas were hit it, and wiggle the wires. Finally we decided that it would just be best to unplug it so we could sleep. Then this morning, we plugged it back in and after an hour of the noise it just stopped. SO now the refrigerator man is coming to fix the unbroken refrigerator tomorrow, while our of our frozen food is at school in that refigerator. Secretly, I hope it brakes before the guy comes so I don't look like a dork for calling him out. Anyways, Dad left around 1:30 and Jen came home around 4 and Tania around 7:30. SO now were all just chilling.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Brian! Since today is your birthday this one goes out to you. Hope you have a good and happy day. I'll call you later.
On another note, I have spent some time fixing and adding new and cool things to my blog. First, I took Katies cue and added a counter to my blog so I can see who is checking my blog and how many times they check it. I can also see where they are from, cuz many of you don't leave comments so I don't really know to what ends of the earth people are coming from to read my blog.
Second, I added the list of other blogs I read. BJ has decided to join the blogging world so his site is there along with Katie and Ryan's and other friends.
Third I added some of the sites that I HAVE to go to just about every time I am on the computer. Yes, I do get easily distracted so my blog is a way to get all you distracted too. Just thought I should share the fun. Hmmm, I think that is it. Have a good weekend everyone and I will probably post next Sunday night.
PS did you realize I posted every day this week. I think that is a first for me. WOW!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
World Champs
Wahoo! Last night the guys in black swept the Astros gaining their first World Series Championship in 88 years. Let's just say it makes me proud to be from Chicago. I did, however, fall asleep for a bit of the game. But, luckily BJ gave me a call to wake me up so I could watch the end of the ninth. The Sox won 1-0 with the only run scored in the eight inning. I was almost certain it was going to go into extra innings and I would have to stay up and watch them all. I guess their motto worked "Win or Die trying" and nobody died! I only wish I was back in the Chicago area to celebrate, just because nobody around here really cares about the White Sox. Oh well.
On another note, my dad is coming up to visit me this weekend and I am super excited!
Time to get back to work. Later!
On another note, my dad is coming up to visit me this weekend and I am super excited!
Time to get back to work. Later!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Ode to Ten Pointers and Deer Stands
For those of you who know me very well I sometimes do things unintentionaly to embarasse myself. When those times occure I am never to slow to share with others my stupidity or clutziness. So I decided that today would be a day to share with all of you the story that made my roomie love me, my friends in Wisconsin take pitty on me, and almost made my mother choke on her dinner. So here it goes.
About a year ago, when Jen and I were still getting to know each other and it was the first semester of grad. school, we were taking a class called fluency. This is the class where we got to learn all about stuttering. For Jen and I we had both taken a course like this in undergrad so it wasn't that new and it wasn't that difficult for us to do. One of our main projects in that class was to transcribe two speekers that stuttered. Transcribing is putting in to writen form everything and I mean everything the speeker says. Typically this isn't all that difficult but when you have an individual how has 15 ums or repetes a word ten times it gets a little more difficult.
So the first individual was an adult having a conversation with the clinican. Hard to transcribe cuz he had a real bad stutter. The second individual was a child playing with the clinicians and some toys. This was a little more difficult because the child kept turning away from the mic or would mumble something and it was your best guess at what he said. So Jen and I are sitting there listening as best we can as the kid takes his plastic men to go hunting then to the processing plant and so on. All of a sudden Jen looks up and stops the tape and I look at her like, "what?" Now Jen knows I grew up in the city and the whole nothern country life is real new to me so she gets this look on her face like "I don't want to offend you but..." and asks Do you know what a ten pointer is? Me using the best logic I can says, "Sure! It's the largest deer you can get, right?" After Jen picks her mouth off the floor and composes herself calmly explains that it has to do with number of points in the antlers.
After a bit more disscusion on Ten Pointers we go back to transcribing only for Jen to stop the tape a few minutes later to ask (in the nicest voice ever), "Anything else you are unsure of?" This is my chance she offered the information so it's now or never to loss some of my cityness and join the country croud. So I think about and I realize, I'm not real sure what a deer stand is. So I ask. Now Jen being real smart and on top of things realizes that this won't be nearly as fun if she didn't first ask the next question, "what do you think it is?" Ah that Jen, she is a smart one. So I tell her "It's like as saw horse but bigger where you can hang the deer before you take it back to the truck?"
This one almost killed her, this is also the point of the story when I told my mom that she started choking on food she was laughing so hard. After quite a bit of laughter and me having no idea what is so funny, exept i know that I am now an official morron she tells me it is where the hunters site when they are waiting for the deer. Right, gotcha, now I understand what those things are on the side of the road when I drive home. Now Jen being the good friend she is doesn't want anyone to miss out on the information she had just obtained informs the other speeches which they also enjoy.
So there it is the story of how I learned about deer stands and ten pointers. Good thing I had that class in fluency or else I would just be a city girl.
About a year ago, when Jen and I were still getting to know each other and it was the first semester of grad. school, we were taking a class called fluency. This is the class where we got to learn all about stuttering. For Jen and I we had both taken a course like this in undergrad so it wasn't that new and it wasn't that difficult for us to do. One of our main projects in that class was to transcribe two speekers that stuttered. Transcribing is putting in to writen form everything and I mean everything the speeker says. Typically this isn't all that difficult but when you have an individual how has 15 ums or repetes a word ten times it gets a little more difficult.
So the first individual was an adult having a conversation with the clinican. Hard to transcribe cuz he had a real bad stutter. The second individual was a child playing with the clinicians and some toys. This was a little more difficult because the child kept turning away from the mic or would mumble something and it was your best guess at what he said. So Jen and I are sitting there listening as best we can as the kid takes his plastic men to go hunting then to the processing plant and so on. All of a sudden Jen looks up and stops the tape and I look at her like, "what?" Now Jen knows I grew up in the city and the whole nothern country life is real new to me so she gets this look on her face like "I don't want to offend you but..." and asks Do you know what a ten pointer is? Me using the best logic I can says, "Sure! It's the largest deer you can get, right?" After Jen picks her mouth off the floor and composes herself calmly explains that it has to do with number of points in the antlers.
After a bit more disscusion on Ten Pointers we go back to transcribing only for Jen to stop the tape a few minutes later to ask (in the nicest voice ever), "Anything else you are unsure of?" This is my chance she offered the information so it's now or never to loss some of my cityness and join the country croud. So I think about and I realize, I'm not real sure what a deer stand is. So I ask. Now Jen being real smart and on top of things realizes that this won't be nearly as fun if she didn't first ask the next question, "what do you think it is?" Ah that Jen, she is a smart one. So I tell her "It's like as saw horse but bigger where you can hang the deer before you take it back to the truck?"
This one almost killed her, this is also the point of the story when I told my mom that she started choking on food she was laughing so hard. After quite a bit of laughter and me having no idea what is so funny, exept i know that I am now an official morron she tells me it is where the hunters site when they are waiting for the deer. Right, gotcha, now I understand what those things are on the side of the road when I drive home. Now Jen being the good friend she is doesn't want anyone to miss out on the information she had just obtained informs the other speeches which they also enjoy.
So there it is the story of how I learned about deer stands and ten pointers. Good thing I had that class in fluency or else I would just be a city girl.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Oops, I almost forgot to post!
It's been a busy night, and for that matter a busy day too. I actually got a lot of stuff done today sitting around the clinic. After my last client I came home then went to a laryngectomy support group. Basically this support group is for people who have had part or all of their larynx removed (the voice box). It was real interesting to sit and talk with some of these people and hear what they feel caused there the cancer that lead them to where they are today. A couple of them knew it was because they had smoked most of their lives, but one lady had never smoked a day in her life and the other felt that it was caused by saw dust or other chemicals that he was exposed to on a daily basis. It was interesting but shocking none the less. Now, I'm watching the Sox and am hoping for the best but we will see.
Monday, October 24, 2005
What an awesome Weekend
I was home this weekend for a bunch of things. First, I had a meeting with my future externship supervisor. I loved her and her case load is incredible, she has the little itty bitty kids, so cute. Then I went to the eye doctor and got some contacts. Ever since I sat on my glasses they just haven't been the same so now I don't have to wear them as much. It has definitely been interesting getting used to poking myself in the eye, and actually has created some interesting experiences like me losing one of my contacts this morning but finding it 15 min. Later. Go figure. Any way, Friday night BJ and I went out to dinner like grown ups, it's fun to pretend to be a grown up some times. Saturday there were family pictures with my mom's family then we went to lunch together. Since my dad and Kelly went to see Tom at Truman it was just Megan, Jasiman, and me chilling for the most of Saturday. Then grandma came over to make cheese cake with Megan. Saturday night BJ and I watched part of the White Sox game (I can only watch when they are winning because I get to stressed out when it is a close game so we channel surffed for a while.) They had a great game and won!!! Then on Sunday it was church, quick stop by work, and lunch with mom then home again, home again jiggity jig. Did all the homework that I didn't do over the weekend and watched the Sox Win AGAIN AWESOME!!!!! Oh yeah, and nice job to the Minn. Vikings for not losing to the Packers. So that was my fun weekend, what did you do?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Cinnamon Sugar
When I was little and sick we got to eat toast of breakfast/lunch/dinner. On the toast we would have butter and then top it with cinnamon sugar. The best part of it was when the melted butter absorbed the toping making it very yummy. I started thinking about this last night when my tummy was still getting over the flu, but then realized I don't have any cinnamon sugar. I got a little sad at this thought and couldn't sleep for a little while because I was hungry and didn't have anything to eat.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Happy Birthday Dad
Today is my dad's birthday so Happy Birthday to him.
Today I also took a half-day mental health day. I went to school as normal and did therapy from behind the wall so I wouldn't infect the kiddo. But by 12 I was spinning, and in pain so I left. The rest of the day I have spent sleeping and laying on the couch. It's nice to be able to relax and sleep instead of sit around and do nothing (cuz that's what I do on Tuesdays). However, I am missing therapy this afternoon but I don't have the energy to do therapy with him today.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Sad Monday
A whole bunch of things combined to make this not the best Monday on the face of the earth. First of all, I came down with a cold/flu or something yesterday and then didn't sleep at all last night, but I wasn't really sleepy. Then this morning it was raining and they had recently tore up part of the side walk on the way to school so now it's all muddy and my clean pants got dirty. Then I got to school and realized that the other day I had taken my keys for the clinic out of my bag and put them in my purse so I was locked out of school. I had to stand there and look like a moron when the next person came to unlock the door. Then I get down to the grad. room and realize that some time over the weekend/Friday the janitor threw out the flowers that I had drying. That just made me want to cry. I mean they weren't in the way or anything and obviously I was saving them, and I can't replace them cuz anything I replace them with won't be the flowers form our anniversary. And all this was before 8 am. So then I have classes and well that made the day stinky (even though I'm stuffed up) just because. In my last class we got our tests back that we took last Monday and I got a 79% on it which is a C+ but in grad school that doesn't cut it so I will be busting my butt in that class to raise my grade the rest of the semester. So then I think great, a 5 hour break I'll go home and nap! HAHA Wrong!! Yeah as soon as I lay down my head just turns to a giant ball of solid mucus and I can't breath, so no nap for me so I'll watch TV. Yeah the TV remote worked to turn on the TV but didn't work to change any of the channels (batteries are died). So recap, crappy morning, comphy on the couch, dead remote batteries. So I decide I'll demantal the VCR remote, yeah they have AAA batteries and I need AA so on to the DVD remote whew one thing went right. But HAHA nothing on the TV how frustrating!!! At that point in time Tania came home so I went to her house to watch her cable but there was nothing on TV there either. Even Dr. Phil was bad today, then back to school for our boring class. The longer I sat through class the more muscles hurt in my body. Now my whole body hurts from the top of my head down to my little toe (which I still don't think is healed all the way since the collision in august). Sooooooooo that's my day I just want to have a whole body corn bag or heating pad and die!! But I guess I have to live through it till tomorrow. I might not do early morning therapy because I don't want to infect my little kiddo.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Nap time
These weeks wear me out, especially this one. And when I get tired I get spacy. This week I was spacy enough to tell on of the other grad. assistants that I would take her hours so she could go home for her sisters wedding. However, I forgot that during that same time I have therapy. So after a little flub the hours were fixed and I had therapy. But you know when you are just so sleepy, all you want to do is lay down, yeah that was so me. So after I got done with work I headed home and turned on Oprah, half an hour later I was out. Next thing I know it's six o'clock and I'm waking up. Now I have a feeling I will be up later than normal but I am so sleepy that I am not to worried about falling asleep.
P.S. The pictues title is "The Hazards of Napping" And when you have pets, it's so true!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Finger Prints
I felt like such a criminal today. Yes, I spent my afternoon getting finger printed. Apparently, the state of Ill. now does background checks through finger prints. Guess all those unsolved crimes that I committed a while back will now come to light. I guess I have to say that, that was an experience everyone should try once in a while.
On a different note I am not real sure why I always put off writing my SOAP notes. They only take me 5 minutes to write yet still I always wait until the very last minute to get them done. I feel I am more motivated during a time crunch than other times of day.
P.S. The test on Wednesday, it was HORRIBLE!!! I don't understand how I can spend hours and hours studying for this test and still walk out of there knowing there is no way I could get an A. It's kind of funny though because you study the stuff that the professor seems to highlight during class as being important yet she tests us on the stuff that she might have barely brushed on. It's just frustrating. Well we can all place bets on what I will get on this test, I mean hey if I fail out of grade school because of this professor I might as well make money off of it right?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Test time
It's that time of year again! Test time! Therefore, due to the extent of time that I need to devote to studying tonight my blog will be relatively short. And I don't want to talk to anyone unless they have just stopped by Dr. King's house and got a copy of the test to bring it to me. So everyone use your neurological pathways and wish me luck on this test. If my brain is not fried tomorrow then I will let you all know how it went. Until then have a good night/day!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Today is Monday!!
First of all, I realized today that some of the words on my sight are becoming links to other websites! What's up with that and how do I stop that from happening?
Second, I forgot to mention that I am real sure I am the cause of BJ's eczema. He just got better then by the end of the weekend he was as red as an apple. I feel horrible. I mean I'm trying to make sure all of the products I use are fragrance and die free. Grrr, just a bit frustrating, I can't wait until he goes to the dermatologist and I can really truly know what I need to change to make him better.
Third, I had a awesomely productive night tonight, I finished my Autism Case study for the class that ended last week, and I made all the note cards for my Nero Anatomy class. Now I just need to study them (so I can pass the test that is Wednesday).
And last, my poor flowers were dead this morning when I got to school. Good thing BJ dried 8 of them when he was here on Friday. Any ideas of what I should do with the dried flowers? Let me know.
Second, I forgot to mention that I am real sure I am the cause of BJ's eczema. He just got better then by the end of the weekend he was as red as an apple. I feel horrible. I mean I'm trying to make sure all of the products I use are fragrance and die free. Grrr, just a bit frustrating, I can't wait until he goes to the dermatologist and I can really truly know what I need to change to make him better.
Third, I had a awesomely productive night tonight, I finished my Autism Case study for the class that ended last week, and I made all the note cards for my Nero Anatomy class. Now I just need to study them (so I can pass the test that is Wednesday).
And last, my poor flowers were dead this morning when I got to school. Good thing BJ dried 8 of them when he was here on Friday. Any ideas of what I should do with the dried flowers? Let me know.
It's a long one today
I haven't posted since last Wednesday, so there is a lot of catching up that needs to be done. When I left you all I was in the middle of making eye balls with my client so I thought I would up date you all and show you how they turned out. They are actually really cool looking and they tasted really good too. I have never actually made peanut butter balls but after this experience I wouldn't mind making them every so often. So here they are.
Well BJ came up this weekend and we went to Minnesota for his cousins wedding. We had a great time. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
This one is of Laura and her parents at the alter.
Here is BJ and I at dinner, Aww what a cute couple.
This is a picture of Laura, BJ, and Michelle. And the two pictures below are what Michelle created for the family gathering, YUMMY
All the food was great. That was our weekend in a nut shell. We had a lot of fun. BJ, however, was stuck in traffic after he left me here. The 4 hour drive turned into a 6.5 hour drive because there was such a huge traffic accident on the way home. Poor guy he just wanted to get to bed. But he is all safe and at home.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Wednesday? What Wednesday?
Wednesdays are the craziest days of the whole week. I feel like I walk out of the house and 5 minutes later I come home, except in that time I: attend three classes, eat a lunch in 5 min, plan for therapy, clean up from therapy, and work 3 hours in the CMC. I know it doesn't seem like a lot of stuff and I almost feel silly for thinking all of it tiers me out, but it does. I guess its just the constant moving and transitioning between classrooms, activities and planning that just makes it so crazy. Well I promised you all that I would post pictures of my flowers so here they are.
A lot of people have been asking me what the yellow rose is for, This is something that BJ has done since we started dating. In fact, I can't remember a set of flowers that didn't have a yellow rose in it. When you look into the symbolisms of the colors of the roses red of course stands for love but the yellow is for friendship. So BJ give me at least one to show our friendship and our love. Its just something extra thoughtful that makes his flowers nice.
A lot of people have been asking me what the yellow rose is for, This is something that BJ has done since we started dating. In fact, I can't remember a set of flowers that didn't have a yellow rose in it. When you look into the symbolisms of the colors of the roses red of course stands for love but the yellow is for friendship. So BJ give me at least one to show our friendship and our love. Its just something extra thoughtful that makes his flowers nice.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Look in to the Past
Ah 8 years ago today was BJ's and my first date. So in honor of this event we will appreciate all those who pushed me to that moment and those after. First my bestest friend Sara, Thanks for all the whispering and giggling we did all through junior high about my dumb crushes on all those funny nicknames we gave guys so they didn't know we were talking about them. Second, thanks to Juliet for letting me drool over him when we went to Colorado and making me asking him to Homecoming. Third, Thanks to BJ for being a good guy and going to a dance at a school you didn't know with people you had never met and a girl you didn't really know existed. Fourth, thanks to Tracy (or Sara I forgot which one) for clarifying the whole "did he have a girlfriend" situation. And lastly for Sara for that wired phone call the following night while we were all talking on Instant messenger and relaying the message to BJ that I would "go out" with him if he asked me to. Whew looking back, man were we silly teenagers. And wow Sara didn't realize how much you influenced the BJ situation at that time. So now 8 years later, BJ sent me a bunch of flowers, they almost made me cry. I'll talk a picture of them tomorrow. Thanks BJ.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Holy Hotness
WOW!!! Who lit the fire? It is about 80 degrees in our house and all of our windows are open as wide as they can go. After a whole day in a stuffy basement and we get home and its a stuffy house. Blah how stinky. But on an up side, I cleaned my room! Now its time to get some more work done and hopefully get lots of stuff finished.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Smile Toes
I spent such a long time this weekend doing homework that I needed a break (that and my toes were getting a bit scary looking). I spent over 16 hours working on school stuff I got a lot of stuff done for all these classes. It was a very productive weekend so I deserved a little extra treat. I also have a wedding to go to this weekend. It is BJ's family up in Minnesota, yikes my first time to Minnesota. I have to look good when I meet the new family. So here are my toes. Sorry about my ugly feet.
While the nail lady was massaging my legs/feet it felt so nice I almost fell asleep. That would have been bad since I had one of my professors books on my lap and it would have fallen in the water.
Other weekend activities, I took my roomies to 40 year old virgin on Friday because we all had a very stressful week. On Saturday I spent a long time at school but we walked downtown to what we thought was going to be a big festival, Yeah we were soooo wrong. It was actually sad and we had to turn around and go home because it was so sad.
While the nail lady was massaging my legs/feet it felt so nice I almost fell asleep. That would have been bad since I had one of my professors books on my lap and it would have fallen in the water.
Other weekend activities, I took my roomies to 40 year old virgin on Friday because we all had a very stressful week. On Saturday I spent a long time at school but we walked downtown to what we thought was going to be a big festival, Yeah we were soooo wrong. It was actually sad and we had to turn around and go home because it was so sad.
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